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Ibiza Health & Beauty

Ibiza Health and Beauty ist der neue Gesundheits- und Wellnessclub der Tourismusförderung Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza. Eine gemeinnützige Assoziation bestehend aus privaten Einrichtungen der Pityusen und mit der Unterstützung der öffentlichen Verwaltungen auf lokaler, regionaler und nationaler Ebene, um den Tourismus im Bereich Gesundheit, Schönheit und Wellness auf Ibiza und Formentera zu fördern.

Gesundheits- und Schönheitstourismus auf Ibiza


Where can you practice reformer pilates in Ibiza?

Where can you practice reformer pilates in Ibiza?

Pilates is a physical and mental training method that combines stretching, strength, and body control exercises, focusing on improving flexibility, posture, ...
Benefits of massage for your health

Benefits of massage for your health

Massages are not only a method of relaxation, but are also a therapeutic practice that offers numerous benefits for physical and mental health. Through diff...
Wellness in Ibiza 2025: what awaits us this year?

Wellness in Ibiza 2025: what awaits us this year?

In recent years, Ibiza has positioned itself as a wellness destination without comparison. Our natural surroundings, the quality of the services offered and...

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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2021

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