Erkundigen Sie sich an einem einzigen Ort über sämtliche Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten der Mitglieder von Ibiza Health & Beauty. Der einfachste Weg, um über alles auf dem Laufenden zu sein, was in der Gesundheits- und Wellnessbranche auf Ibiza passiert. Die Lieblingsleseecke für alle, die sich für die Pflege von Körper und Geist auf dieser wunderschönen Insel begeistern.
| Ibiza Health & Beauty | Aktualität
Where can you practice reformer pilates in Ibiza?
Pilates is a physical and mental training method that combines stretching, strength, and body control exercises, focusing on improving flexibility, posture, and coordination.
Did you know that you can also practice it with a specific machine known as a "reformer"? Today we're introducing you to two centers where you can train!
Benefits of practicing reformer Pilates
Reformer Pilates offers multiple benefits that differentiate it from trad...
| Ibiza Health & Beauty | Aktualität
Rural lodgings in Ibiza with the ambience you need
Often we need a getaway to get away from the stress of everyday life.
Today, we bring you 3 rural accommodations in Ibiza that have exactly what you are looking for.
Casa Morna in the heart of Ibiza
This little oasis of tranquillity is hidden in Sant Carles de Peralta.
This agrotourism in I...