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Sustainable design in Ibiza

Discover sustainable design in Ibiza through Ecodisseny

| Ibiza Health & Beauty | Aktualität

Ecodisseny offers landscape design services, permaculture, bio-construction, gardens and installations oriented according to sustainability criteria. Based on the methodology of permacultural design, Ecodisseny specialises in carrying out projects of high aesthetic and functional value.

This company is a pioneer in sustainable design in Ibiza. Its team of professionals understands spaces as a "whole": the house, the flora, the fauna, ... form a network of synergies that is inspired by the way nature itself works.

But what exactly is the concept of sustainable design?

Sustainable design: what it is

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Sustainable design is understood as the design philosophy of physical objects or services that pursue economic, social and environmental sustainability. In the words of academic Enzio Manzini, sustainable design is "a strategic design of activity that transforms existing systems and creates new ones".

These new systems, Manzini explains, are "characterised by low energy-intensive materials and a high potential for the regeneration of living contexts". In this sense, sustainable design encompasses not only the concept of the environment but also integrates human rights, local development, fair trade, ...

Responsibility and ethics are essential ingredients for sustainable design and must cover the entire life cycle of the product or service.

Sustainable design: factors and characteristics

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Sustainability is the use of natural resources in a way that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. A design is sustainable if it is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

This factor is perfectly represented by the so-called "E3 variable", which encompasses Equity, Ecology and Economy in the design process of the product or service. Therefore, we can say that the main characteristics of sustainable design are:

  • It brings social benefits and takes human rights into account.
  • It causes minimum impact on the environment and induces energy savings.
  • It is economically viable and consistent in the choice of materials.

Sustainable design in Ibiza: Ecodisseny

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On the island of Ibiza, Ecodisseny is dedicated to analysing the client's needs and harmonising them with ecosystems, local culture and the promotion of biodiversity. In a place where rainfall is scarce, they pay special attention to water management (rainwater harvesting, wastewater purification, reduction of irrigation costs, ...).

At Ecodisseny they pride themselves on creating gardens where local varieties of organic fruit and vegetables bring health to the individual as well as to the garden, which will be a garden free of poisons and synthetic fertilisers

Moreover, Ecodisseny also carries out forest clearings to create compost to nourish the plantations and biochar enhanced with native microbiology to improve soil fertility and water retention. 

Specialists in regenerative agriculture, Ecodisseny can boast of pioneering the use of organic fertilisers and the development of projects in line with sustainable design trends.



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