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Erkundigen Sie sich an einem einzigen Ort über sämtliche Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten der Mitglieder von Ibiza Health & Beauty. Der einfachste Weg, um über alles auf dem Laufenden zu sein, was in der Gesundheits- und Wellnessbranche auf Ibiza passiert. Die Lieblingsleseecke für alle, die sich für die Pflege von Körper und Geist auf dieser wunderschönen Insel begeistern.

| Fomento | Aktualität

One more step against skin cancer

Mohs surgery comes to Ibiza improving the prognosis of patients and avoiding trips off the island. Last year our dermatologists were already warning us: melanoma cases in Ibiza were up on the previous year. However, the Dermatology Unit of the Policlínica Group implemented the best diagnostic equipment (digital dermatoscopy) to detect skin cancer. Eduardo Varas, dermatologist, explains: "Thanks to this equipment and the work carried out, we ...
| Ibiza Health & Beauty | Aktualität

Fitness in Ibiza: where to get fit this winter

As you know, taking care of your body and mind is important all year round. In today's article we're going to tell you where you can get fit this winter without leaving the island, because Ibiza is fitness 365 days a year!


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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2021

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