About us
I am Jana, a passionate Yoga and acroyoga instructor for adults, kids and families. Commited to share the art of wellbeing and to inspire others to love their bodies and souls.
Yoga and physical activity in general play an important part in my life. My goal is to seek a balance between movement and stillness and this connect with the physical, mental and spiritual body.
Yoga for me is a way of life. In my classes I invite my students to explore their bodies, to become aware of their breath and discover the synchronization of the breath with the movement.
I feel a lot of responsibility towards my students when I teach. I try to make my classes accessible and understandable,so they allow the students to open up to new perspectives, to connect with the wisdom we all carry within and to integrate it into their daily lives.
What you can find?
Yoga classes for adults, kids and families
Acroyoga classes para kids and families
Classes of conscious fumctional training
Poligono Can Frigoles
Jesús, Ibiza