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Sonia Pittet Experiences


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    Sonia has a vocation: to pass on to others what has transformed her life, and yoga is part of that! She loves helping others and sharing teachings on an athletic, philosophical and energetic level. She is a curious woman and is drawn to other cultures. By travelling and living these life experiences with dedication and study, she has taken her profession with her, which she has been practising with love for more than 15 years. First as an athlete and personal trainer, then, with the experience in India, she is also an Ayurvedic consultant and is specialising in energy therapies. She applies all this knowledge to each discipline, personalising it according to the characteristics of each individual.

    Originally from Milan, but a citizen of the world, Sonia has been living in Ibiza for 10 years, where she teaches and deepens full time the following disciplines: Yoga, which includes: meditation, breathing, concentration techniques, physical and energetic purification, personal development techniques and guided relaxation. She also offers meditations with Pranayama (breathing techniques) accompanied by the sound of specific instruments and the use of aromas and rituals that guide in the journey of discovery of the inner self.

    She also teaches:

    • Pilates mat-work
    • Postural re-education
    • The innovative AntiGravity Aerial Yoga & Fitness, of which she is the official trainer for Spain.

    She teaches in Italian, English and Spanish. Her athletic career began with ice skating, which opened her mind to the conscious and harmonious movement of the body. Thus, a love was born that completed her awareness and physical competences with spiritual and energetic ones, creating real experiences, not simple lessons.

    The experiences she proposes can be: a single session, a day, several days or organised retreats and wellness holidays... All in groups, families, couples or individuals, and in various locations: outdoors, on beaches or immersed in nature, in prepared and equipped spaces, in hotels, at home, by boat and online.

    The ancient Yoga experience proposed is based on the philosophy of ancient life, which through the union of body techniques combined with breathing techniques and concentration, lead to self-knowledge, bringing many benefits in everyday life on a personal, health, relational, work and physical level.

    The AntiGravity Aerial Yoga & Fitness experience is an innovative and fun low-impact fitness practice suitable for everyone. It is based on free movement in every direction, supported by the AntiGravity hammock. The peculiarity of this technique is the head down inversion at zero compression, performed in total safety thanks to the support of the AntiGravity hammock, with no tension or load on the cervical area, and with enormous benefits for the entire spine and for the circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory and digestive systems... All this and much more, releasing the ‘happiness hormones’ and with an anti-ageing effect. Plus, souvenir photos are included!

    Who chooses AntiGravity:

    • Who wants security, professionalism and a successful teaching method.
    • Who wants a follow-up training with many courses to grow as an instructor and as a person.
    • Who wants a preparatory training in order to be more successful and confident in all the physical-sports activities he/she already practises.
    • Who has bad posture and back or joint pain.
    • Who loves or is a Pilates and Yoga instructor, but wants something more fun.
    • Who wants to reach an acrobatic level in safety and without joint impact.



  • What you can find?

    • Yoga, including: meditation, breathing, concentration techniques, physical and energetic purification, personal development techniques and guided relaxation.
    • Meditations with Pranayama (breathing techniques) accompanied by the sound of specific instruments and the use of aromas and rituals that guide the journey of discovery of the inner self.
    • Pilates mat-work
    • Postural re-education
    • The innovative AntiGravity Aerial Yoga & Fitness, of which she is the official trainer for Spain.



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