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Yamuna Zake


  • About us

    Yamuna Zake is a visionary wellness expert and body therapist. She developed Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR), a therapeutic self-care technique that uses specialised balls to improve body alignment, release tension, and enhance flexibility. Her work focuses on creating sustainable, long-term physical health by addressing the body’s structure.

    She established one of the first three yoga centres in New York City. At university, she studied physiology and anatomy, giving her a deeper understanding of how the body works in relation to the practice of yoga. She then spent years learning about ancient herbalism, aromatherapy, and nutrition.

    At 25, Yamuna suffered from hip muscle tears during labour, which led to repeated hip dislocations. Chiropractic and osteopathy treatments couldn’t resolve her injury, so she turned to her knowledge of anatomy and yoga. She began identifying yoga postures that could help correct the problem. Within two weeks, her leg and hip were back in place and stabilised, and she never dislocated her hip again. Over the following 11 years, she worked privately, offering consultations to improve people’s health through this approach. Over time, her practice evolved from yoga postures to manual therapy, leading to the creation of the Body Logic Method.

    Some years later, she moved to Spain, where she had no one to perform Body Logic therapy on her. She started using a children’s ball to replicate the effects of Body Logic. After a year of working with the ball, she realised it could be a comprehensive self-help method that anyone could use. This discovery gave birth to her second method, Body Rolling.

    She later published her first book and began teaching workshops and certification programmes across the United States. Today, Yamuna’s methods are practised in 38 countries, and the training spans a 10-day programme.

    Currently, Yamuna is based primarily in Ibiza, where she teaches Body Rolling at her centre, LightHouse Ibiza. The name reflects the Energy Enhancement System (EES), a revolutionary technology the centre hosts, alongside a treatment room and a studio for workshops, classes, and seminars—all of which work synergistically to promote healing and wellbeing.

    Developed over 20 years by Dr Sandra Rose Michael, PhD, DNM, DCSJI, the Energy Enhancement System (EES) uses specially designed computers to generate bioactive energy fields called “scalar waves.” These waves support wellness by promoting cellular regeneration, enhancing immune function, relieving pain, detoxifying the body, elevating mood and consciousness, and balancing the brain’s hemispheres to boost energy levels.

    Yamuna discovered this technology while seeking support for her daughter’s recovery from severe organ injuries following a near-fatal car accident. Impressed by the results on her daughter—and on her own health—she decided to bring this technology to Ibiza.

    With LightHouse Ibiza, Yamuna’s intention is to create an optimal healing environment that supports the mind and body in their natural ability to heal themselves.

  • What you can find?


Calle del Mar 6, Santa Eulària des Riu, Ibiza, Spain
, Santa Eulalia
+34 676 69 75 42


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